No 0815 optician
in Zumikon

Eyewear with personality

No 0815 optician
in Zumikon

Eyewear with personality

Summer holidays

We will be closed from Monday, July 29 to Monday, August 5.
On Tuesday, August 6, we will be back with the usual opening hours.

Have a great summertime!
Your Zumiker Optik team

Christmas & New Year

We are open as usual between Christmas and New Year.
We will only be closed on Saturday, December 30.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Your Zumiker Optik team

Welcome to Zumiker Optik

With a lot of personal style, we understand our own kind of look. Sometimes unagitated, sometimes extravagant. From medical eye checks to invisible lenses. The focus is always on you and your eyes – welcome to Zumiker Optik.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Friday
08.30 – 12.00
14.00 – 18.00

09.00 – 15.00


Chris Hengmith
Owner, certified optician

From morning till evening, everything is about eyewear for Chris Hengmith. And if they are made of a beautiful material, his heart beats even faster.

Christine Hengmith
Owner, allrounder

She has an eye for every detail. Christine Hengmith carpenters the tables at which you sit with us and provides the pleasant atmosphere in the shop.

Liane Weigert
Certified licensed optician

Their world is colourful. Liane Weigert has the flair to find the right colour and shape. And when everything fits together, it's twice as much fun.

Chris Hengmith
Owner, certified optician
Christine Hengmith
Owner, allrounder
Liane Weigert
Eidg. licensed optician


From morning till evening, everything is about eyewear for Chris Hengmith. And if they are made of a beautiful material, his heart beats even faster.

Favorite collection

Götti Switzerland


She has an eye for every detail. Christine Hengmith carpenters the tables at which you sit with us and provides the pleasant atmosphere in the shop.

Favorite collection

Götti Dimension


Their world is colourful. Liane Weigert has the flair to find the right colour and shape. And when everything fits together, it's twice as much fun.

Favorite collection

Götti Perspective

Enthusiasm is what counts for us

Since 40 years we are located in the middle of Zumikon. A lot has changed in this time. But one thing stayed the same – the enthusiasm for eyewear and our customers.

The perfect glasses

As individual as the needs are, so different are the glasses. Finding the perfect glasses for you is what we enjoy doing. Discover our selection of eyewear frames, sunglasses and sports eyewear.

Contact lenses for more flexibility

Contact lenses offer many advantages and are a perfect addition to glasses. In everyday life, as well as in your free time and specially during sports, the glasses-free alternative offers an incomparable feeling of freedom.

See like an eagle

For this, you need the right glass and the perspective. From detailed vision analysis to simple eye tests. It doesn’t have to be complex, but simply the optimal vision solution for you.

All-round service from our atelier

We like to let people look over our shoulders. Take a look at our atelier and the services we offer.

Are you curious?

Come and get to know us. From every angle. As a family optician, no one is too young or too old and we love to show what there is to see.

Are you curious?

Come and get to know us. From every angle. As a family optician, no one is too young or too old and we love to show what there is to see.

Brand Days

Haben Sie gewusst, dass es Brillen gibt, welche von A-Z in der Schweiz produziert werden? Mit den beiden Brands Planctons und Götti Switzerland finden Sie bei uns in Zumikon die innovativsten Brillen mit viel Swissness. Wir laden Sie ein, während unseren Brand Days vom 13. bis 15. Dezember exklusiv die ganzen Kollektionen zu sehen. So können Sie alle Farben und Modelle anprobieren und die Schweizer Marken besser kennenlernen.

Freitag 13. Dezember | Samstag 14. Dezember Sonntagsverkauf 15. Dezember 10.00 – 15.00 Uhr

Diese Brillen sind unsere absoluten Lieblinge. Von Götti Switzerland zeigen wir 3D-gedruckte Brillen – super leicht, robust und unglaublich bequem. Planctons sind Brillen, die zu 100 Prozent aus dem Meer gefischten Plastikmüll hergestellt werden. Da ist Nachhaltigkeit nicht nur ‹Greenwashing›, sondern Teil der Philosophie.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Chris und Christine Hengmith und Liane Weigert